Monday, January 18, 2010


The annual U.S. National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is coming up on January 24, 2010.
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday was created in 1983, marking the tenth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade (legalization of abortion on January 22, 1973).

With evidence that millions of abortions took place in those ten years, the Christian Action Council Education and Ministries Fund, now known as Care Net, asked President Ronald Reagan to create a special day to focus on the value of Human Life. President Reagan declared it to be the third Sunday in January.

Since that time, many pro-life organizations and churches across the United States have organized activities for this day. Some observe a Sanctity of Human Life Week for the entire next seven days, in reverence for all human life from conception to every stage of aging and illness.

Roe v Wade started one of the biggest political chasms between Americans since the Civil Rights movement. Whether to be “pro-life” or “pro-choice” has ignited political firestorms and election controversy for nearly thirty years.

One of the pro-choice movement’s main arguments is that females should not have to suffer through pregnancies due to rape, incest or any risk to their own survival.

However, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute’s research throughout the history of legalized abortion, rape and incest have accounted for only 1.5-2% of all abortions, and not all of those women choose abortion.

Regarding health of the mother, former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop states that late-term abortion is one of the most dangerous ways to end a life-threatening pregnancy, and Caesarean delivery should be preferred. He was backed up by over 500 physicians in a 1996 letter to the Wall Street Journal (Partial Birth Abortion is Bad Medicine September 19, 1996; presented before U.S. Senate March 7, 2003).

For materials to distribute regarding Sanctity of Human Life Sunday this year or in the future, go here to the SOHLS website.

See an extended version of this article here at the Underground Online Magazine.


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